The Bordeaux Fanciers of Canada
Membership Application

Surname _________________________________________________
First Name _________________________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________
City _________________________________
Zip/Postal Code ________________________
State/Province ________________________
Country ________________________
Phone - Days (      ________-___________
Phone - Evenings (      )_______-___________
Fax or E-Mail __________________@______________________________
Registered Kennel Name _________________________________________________

Would you be willing to foster a rescued Bordeaux ? Yes_____ No______

Our Family Memberships are $35.00 - Canadian Funds
Fees Subject to Change

Make cheques payable to: The Bordeaux Fanciers of Canada

please indicate membership type: New_____ Renewal______

I, the applicant agree to abide by the Constitution and by-laws of
The Bordeaux Fanciers of Canada (BFC).

Signature ______________________________________
Date DD/MM/YR________________________
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